I've gone on a photo safari for the last two days. Yesterday, I went to the Wrentham Country Store and inspired by the sunshine, I headed over to Stony Brook Wildlife Center. I hadn't been over there since Connor was in the 1st grade. It was fantastic. So nice to be outside in the warm sun. I took some great shots which I'm working on now, but this was one of my favorites. I was inspired by another woman in my online photography class who took a picture on a naturally occurring heart in the world. When I first saw the photo, I was so jealous. I had myself quite a little pity party themed: I will never be that aware/How come she took that shot and I didn't. But I had such a great afternoon yesterday with my camera that my party seems but a mere memory. I was reminded by Andrea, our "guide" that you have to take hundreds of photos just to possibly get a few good shots. And then, they can made to be amazing with a little post-processing love.
In this photo course I'm taking, we were given a Superhero Manifesto on the first day, full encouraging prompts/mantras like: Be Brave. Notice the small things. See beauty everywhere. And to Look Closely.
The more I see the world through the eyes of possibility (eyes wide OPEN), it's amazing what I've been seeing. And sure enough, as I began to make my way back down the path to my car, I look at my feet and voila:
A reminder from the universe that love is all around, all the time, where I least expect to find it. Pretty cool, right?