Celebrated my 40th birthday in a major way. The festivities started the Sunday before with Sangria, henna tatoos, and U2 at Gillette Stadium. It was the Girls' Night Out that I've always wanted, but never had as an adult. It seemed to be so much easier to pull that off when I was younger. But boy did we make up for lost time. My actual birthday was wonderful as well. I got great gifts from the hubby and son. The husband brought home a giant sheet cake...yellow with chocolate frosting. YUM!! It donned on me later that this enormous cake would have been a great excuse to invite people over, but we 3 used it as an excuse to eat bigger pieces of cake. Hmmm...I may need to take a look at that some day. The bday celebration finale was dinner with my parents and good friend Andy at Ruths' Chris Steak House. Andy gave my the most beautiful vase. My parents gave me a fantastic knitting book that I started knitting out of today. Good times!
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