Everybody in Wrentham is talking about the Business Hoes and CEOs party bust in Plainville this weekend. One the first things I get asked is: Was Connor there? followed by Why not? My answer to both: No, by the grace of God. We talk about drugs and alcohol a lot. Usually, I try to maintain a neutral expression my face, but inside, I'm freaking out. But I know if I flinch, he'll clam up and never tell me anything again, so he talks and I stare ahead into space.
But this recent party has us all talking. And if I got that proverbial 3am phone call to come pick up my kid and the Wrentham police station, I'm not sure what would distress me more: the fact that she got arrested or that she was dressed like a ho.

That's what I've been wondering about. Of the kids arrested, were all the boys dressed as CEOs and all the girls dressed like a hoes. Or did
just one girl show up to the party in a suit. In 2011, with Title IX and girl power galore, why are young women relegated to a business ho. If a boy went ho, what did
that look like? And what does it say about the unspoken ideas of power and influence in the workplace or at home? Part of me understands it's just playacting. I'm not trying to make more out of it than it is. But I am concerned about the mixed signals of that particular "dress up" game being sorted out through the fog of drugs and alcohol. No one comes out looking good.
My son is a good kid. He's already demonstrated to me and his dad that he will make the difficult decision to walk away when situations turn dicey. I've been lucky in this regard. But I also know that he is at that tender age that he truly believes he knows more than I do. Foolish boy. So far, he hasn't had to learn too much the hard way, but he's pushing his luck. The problem is, I'm the only who knows that. So it's up to me to stand in the gap on his behalf and try to save him from himself. Sometimes I can pull it off and he doesn't even know it. Sometimes it's a knock down drag out. And sometimes, we both get lucky and he decides for himself to stay in, watch the Bruins, and play XBOX live. And that's truly a good night.
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