And why bother with the pretense of asking the question in the first place? Its clear that you are going to use the Express Lane regards of your item count, so just hike up your big girl panties and do it. No apologies. No charade. But I ask you this: If it starts at the Express Lane, where does it end? What if each one of us the Express Lane all decided too just bend the rules everywhere we went. I'm going to use the Fast Pass lane even though I don't have one. I'm going to park in the Handicap space because I'm only going to be a minute. And on it goes. Civilized society cannot function under these terms. It just can't!
So, in closing, here's a idea: If you're really unable to keep track of how items are accumulating in your cart, maybe you could shop with a piece of paper and make tick marks as you go. Or, better yet, there's probably an app for that. Otherwise, just stay out of the damn express lane and leave for decent, law abiding citizens. Like me.
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