Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 17: Happy 16th Anniversary to Me!

Today is the 16th anniversary of my motherhood. I'm not going to lie. Mothering him this year has been a challenge. I often liken it to those people who adopt exotic animals as pets.

It starts out great. Frankie the Bear is like one of the family, baby bears being so cute and cuddly at all. He's never shown any sign of aggression and they've even used him some commercials over the years. Then. One day. Frankie turns. He grabs "Mom" by the arm and starts tossing her around like the proverbial rag doll. The family is stunned. The neighbors are interviewed. Specialists are consulted. Frankie gets drugs and counseling.  Everyone ends up on Good Morning America. Why, Frankie, why? I mean, we all knew you'd grow into a full grown bear, but all were hoping that if they did everything possible to stunt is bear instincts' growth, this kind of tragedy could be avoided.  And I would sit in front of the televsion with my coffee sneering with disgust. What kind of fools adopt a bear and expect it not to turn into a bear? Answer: the same people who have babies and expect them not to turn into teenagers. Lesson: Judge not, lest ye be judged oh foolish mother.

When Connor was a baby, I always ran the vacuum or put on the television while he was napping. I was taught early to teach him to sleep through the noise. These days, I find myself sitting in silence so as not to wake the beast. I let him sleep late, knowing that I'm going to pay for it later that day, but I just need a few more minutes of peace and quiet, just like when he was three.

All things considered, my son is a good kid. I've never been a "my kid would never" mom. And with all these kids are up against, I'm in the "there before the grace of God" camp. I've been thinking a lot about the night I met Connor. I've hung onto to the most random memories:

  • We were watching the Bruins when my water broke. 
  • I wore the caramel colored leather jacket I bought in college at a London flea market
  • I kept telling the nurses I was going to be a "good patient" and "get myself together"
  • I remember hearing my grandmother saying: "I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me." 
  • I brought Richard Stolzmann (my favorite clarinet player) Dreams cd to play during the birth
  • The nurse commented how pretty my pedicure looked
  • I thought my mother would hold Connor first, but my father practically knocked her over to get to him first
But the best thing I take from that day is him. He started out a little chicken baby and now he's already taller than me. Happy Birthday, kid! I couldn't have asked for a better person to share my anniversary.

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