Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I will bless you doublefold

What if I told you that I believed that I had been chosen. Chosen to be special. To live a life so extraordinary. Would you think I was crazy? And why not me. It's happened before. Ordinary people chosen for extraordinary things. Noah. The Buddha. Oprah.

What if I told you, that this call was so strong, so persistent, it haunts me in my dreams. Angels speak to me. Tell me things. Special things. I see amazing places. I fly over canyons. I visit sepia cities and travel in cars with no drivers. Tornadoes swirl around me and leave me whole. Still stand. Would you laugh nervously? Gather up your bag and have to go?

What if I told you, that the desire for me to leave ordinary behind was so insistent, that when ignored, she pounds my head until I have to no choice but to take to my bed and submit to her will. Every minute not lived in "the new way" knots my muscles so tightly that I am unable to get out of bed to waste time in a farcical fantasyland. The anger I feel that she won't leave me alone is so dark, so deep that I am afraid to let it out. So I turn it inward and suffer in silence, lest anyone feel my wrath. It's easier. It's just safer that way.

What if I told you that I've surrendered? Would think I'm weak? I'm so sure you would know me to be crazy. Surrender to what? What makes you think you are so special? What are you going to do in your small town, in your small life? Are you going to change world? Foolish indulgence. Prophet and priestess. Yes, there it is. Crown her with many crowns: Fool, Dreamer, Prophet, Priestess, Free.

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