Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 31: Marriage as Jousting Match

Some days it seems a cruel trick of nature to be put into a relationship with another being who seems completely unable to understand the basic fundamentals of what it is to be you. I don't want to get into a men don't understand women rant (although God knows I could) and I'm sure my husband thinks he's hitched his wagon to an alien on some days as well. That being said, it does seem that many times, when I'm trying to have a conversation with my husband, I might as well break into Swahili and he can continue to listen with his head shoved right up his ass as usual. (Did I say that out loud?) I love my husband. I truly do. But Good golly, Miss Molly! Trying to get my point across to him is like a jousting match with all 25 Knight of the Round Table. Some days, I've got the strength for the battle. Tonight, not so much.

This round goes to you, good sir . Until we meet again. 


  1. I really enjoy the pictures you include with your posts.

  2. "Some days it seems a cruel trick of nature to be put into a relationship with another being who seems completely unable to understand the basic fundamentals of what it is to be you." no truer words could be said...
